The Mmming Report: Local Music News from Kharlie M

Issue #19 — Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kharlie on Video Live at Best of Janesville

Kharlie M played at Best of Janesville (3138 S. U.S. Highway 51) on Monday, September 4 from 11:15 am until noon. James Flister shot live video of the show; you can watch it at the Gallery page on (length 42:41; this may later be moved to a page inside that section).

(The video was later taken down.)

Kharlie, Pancake Riot to Play at Voigt Music Center

Kharlie M will play at Voigt Music Center, 34 S Main St, Janesville, WI on Friday, October 13 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm as the Friday Local Feature. Expect an array of originals and a few covers, plus a few “spooky” songs to fit the occasion. Bring a friend!

Pancake Riot is set to play at Voigt on Friday, October 27 at 5:30 pm.

Shows Enjoyed by Many at Voigt, Bodacious Brew, Oasis

Kat and the Hurricane played at Voigt Music Center (34 S Main St, Janesville, WI) on Friday, September 8 along with My Friend Monty (solo project of Chris Shanafelt of The Apollo Affair). This was my first time attending a show at Voigt, and it was great!

There was a farewell party and fundraiser at Bodacious Brew (119 N Main St, Janesville, WI) on Thursday, September 14 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm; I was able to attend this one as well. Performers included Mystery Mirrors, Ben Coakley, Jim Seekamp, and David Lawrence, who played just a few songs at the end. The fundraiser was for David, who left for Thailand on Tuesday, September 19 for a ministry in music. We will miss him here and wish him the best as he does the Lord’s work.

Candace Griffin played at Voigt Music Center on Friday, September 15, then played at the Oasis in Grayslake, Illinois, on Saturday, September 16 along with Kat and the Hurricane, Prone to Sorrow, Aly Jayne, and Dirt. Kat played the drums at the Voigt show, for Candace’s original song, “Two Weeks.”

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