The Mmming Report: News of Kharlie M and Other Local Musicians

Issue #2 — Wednesday, September 14, 2016

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A Song for Kyrie

Kyrie Murphy

In 2011, I wrote a song called “Thorns and Blossoms,” honoring a dear lady who had just passed away. It was used at her memorial service. Since then, this song has been used several times for funerals and memorials, the most recently at Wendi’s sister’s funeral on April 7, 2016.

A friend of our daughter-in-law had an eight-year-old daughter named Kyrie Murphy who developed a terrible infection and multiple complications which ended her life. A GoFundMe page was started to help with medical expenses during her 30-day stay at Mayo Clinic; the campaign is still going on, but now the proceeds will go for her funeral as well. Use the link above to view the page and to contribute. (Kyrie’s nickname was “Squid” so that’s why it says #teamsquid on the photo.)

So my latest dedication for this memorial song is to Kyrie and her mom, in whose arms she died on Monday, September 12. You can listen to “Thorns and Blossoms” on Bandcamp.

Visit Kharlie’s official website or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, or SoundCloud.

Clear Lake Jam a Success

Ken and Sandy Wagman hosted the Clear Lake Jam in Milton, WI on Sunday, September 4. Performers took 35-minute slots and had a great time. Several people on boats on the lake enjoyed the music as well!

More Local Music News

Elmer and the Ceramic Trees

Prone to Sorrow

Elmer and the Ceramic Trees (Robbie Haas, above, left) is working on a new album entitled “Maps of Outer Space.” Follow him at his Facebook page; he will be posting a new, very different song tomorrow night (Thursday, September 15) from that album.

Prone to Sorrow (above, right) has been busy. They’re getting a new PA system to use at gigs and are also working on merchandise as well as an email/text list to keep you informed of upcoming shows. In addition, they will be in the finals of the Rising Star competition at the Overture Center on Saturday, September 24; tickets, $10 to $15, are available at this link.

© 2016 Charles D. Petitt and Ummamum Music.
The Mmming Report is published every three weeks on a Wednesday.

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