The Mmming Report: Local Music News from Kharlie M

Issue #29 — Saturday, June 23, 2018

Newsletter Late This Month

I’ve delayed this month’s newsletter until I had some definite news to report; the next newsletter will go out during the second week of July as normal.

‘Come On’ for Now; ‘Umm’ Will Wait

The path to Series K has been a rough one, but five new masters are already up on Bandcamp, replacing the older ones. Nearly all live recording is finished for the rest of the Come On, Kharlie M album, and it looks like the album will be finished in time for release on July 13, 2018, at my Friday Local Feature show at Voigt Music Center in Janesville (5:30 to 7:00 pm). The bad news is that the second album, Umm… It’s Me, is now on hold pending the completion of this one. I’ll keep you posted regarding its release, likely a bit later this year.

Madison Show Set for August

I (Kharlie M) will also be playing a show in Madison, at Art In (1444 E Washington Ave), on Thursday, August 23. Time is yet to be determined. Alluvion from Minneapolis will also play.

Other Active Local Bands

Candace Griffin played in Waukesha on May 19.

Elmer and the Ceramic Trees played at the Janesville Farmers Market on June 4.

Kat and the Hurricane played at the Elbo Room in Chicago (June 5) and also at the Looking Glass in Janesville (June 14).

Mystery Mirrors played in downtown Janesville for 608 Day on June 8.

Prone to Sorrow is playing quite a few shows this summer; the latest was the Friday Local Feature at Voigt Music on June 8.

© 2018 Charles D. Petitt and Ummamum Music. The Mmming Report is published monthly. Please send all correspondence to

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