The Mmming Report: Local Music News from Kharlie M

Issue #24 — Friday, January 12, 2018

New Album On the Way

Cover art

Just for the record, this isn’t the final cover art.

One or more instruments, and vocals, are already recorded for most of the songs on Kharlie’s new album entitled Come On, Kharlie M, which is planned to be released sometime in February (if this changes, you will be the first to know).

Okay, this is me. I’m actually having fun with this, now that the major technical stuff has been worked out. I’m also enjoying the new music being produced by other locals. It’s a bit scary recording simple music when the others are getting all fancy and professional sounding! But both approaches can produce great recordings, and yours truly will be baring his soul in sound shortly. Read on for more news:

Four Bands Busy

Elmer and the Ceramic Trees will be playing at Sherman Perk Coffee Shop in Milwaukee on Friday, January 19 at 7 pm.

The Fur Trade has been busy. Hear the new song, “Winterlight,” on Bandcamp; it’s the first of 10 tracks on their album, Gods and Saints.

Prone to Sorrow made a radio appearance on Milwaukee’s 91.7 WMSE on January 7. They plan to do a lot of new things musically in 2018 and have set up a GoFundMe page to raise the money needed to get them done. So far, about $1,800 has been raised; their goal is $2,000.

Mystery Mirrors is working on a new EP; hear their latest single, “School Night,” on SoundCloud here.

© 2018 Charles D. Petitt and Ummamum Music. The Mmming Report is published monthly. Please send all correspondence to

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